Tuesday, December 1, 2009


This is going to be avery quick entry , because I'm stuck with the "Annual X-Mas window dressing" I hate with passion.

It seems I have to rectify some things about my previous entry. It seems that after the autopsy the M.E concluded that the death of the three year old child was an accident. She fell from a swing and slam her head. It would seem that the doctors upon receiving the child in the E.R didn't make the correct diagnostic and that too much time passed for the girl to survive. So instead of admiting that maybe the didn't make the correct choice while deciding which tests where necessary they did this cover up story about the child being abused by the stepfather, who was in charge of the child at the moment of the accident. The stepfather was arrested and has been declared now innocent. He's in the hospital because a psychiatrist has deemed him suicidal because he's not capable of overcoming the death of the little girl.
I would like to now what's going to happen to said doctors, I think it's a grave crime they've commited. Using something so grave as chils abuse to cover their malpractice seems surrealist to me. I hope they'll lose their licenses and spend some quality time in prison.

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