I know it's been long, but lately my muses just abandoned me, and I was too depressed to even be bitter about anything. No,no, don't worry my moods swings just like that. I have good days and horrible days, I've learned to live like this and it's kind of fun, it has make me a really good actress, sometimes no one can discern wether I'm happy or sad. Ah! I really love to digress....
So lately I've been following this band I love. Well, it would be more appropiate to say ciber-following because they're in the States and they're not coming to Europe until Spring, and even when they come it's hard to say if I'm going to see them, you see I live in a country where music it's not that promoted, the only ones who come here are the really big sellers (like Beyonce, U2, Sprigsteen, etc.) and even then it's just like 2 shows (almost always Madrid and Barcelona). Thouhg this year I got to see Depeche Mode, which is a band that I love because I grew up listening to their music, in my own city (Valencia for those who don't know me) so I really shouldn't complain... But you know that this blog is mainly about complaining, so just humour me.
Well, it looks as though today there will be more digressing than usual, I have to make it up to you for many days of silence.
The band I was talking two paragraphs above is called A.F.I, If you don't know them go google them, I'm not in the mood to play teacher. This last September they edited their new album, it's called Crash Love. I really don't want to make another rewiev like the thousand I have read before, I just want to use the album as a means of reflecting in the society in which we are living (or should I say surviving?).
I'm really tired of reading interwievs in wich they ask them the same stupid questions about their frontman change of style, the newer direction from their previous releases and whatnots about their dietary choices.
The album is quite critical with the media based society in which we are living, this criticism reaches it's peak with songs like "It was mine". I'm really tired of switching on tv or reading magazines in which the only thing they do is gossip about singers, actors and actresses and other celebrities. I must admit that in most cases these pseudo-celebrities are the ones who show of in front of the media. You know what they say, let them speak about you and all this nonsense. Well, I couldn't disagree more it's better if they don't speak of you, above all if what they say is who you are fucking or which color is your underwear, I found it revolting.
We live in a society in which relationships seem to tend to end badly, it's like we choose the things that are wrong on purpose, there's seems to be an unconcious desire towards failure. We always want what we cannot have, and if we achieve to have it, we discover that we had it glorified and where set on destroying it. It's like we live in this dreamland where everything is perfect, but in a relathionship (meaning friendship, love) that's impossible, let's not forget we are people after all, not gods (I gave up on the concept of God a long time ago, just for your information). It's nicely shown in songs like "Darling I want to destroy you" and "To Shy To Scream".
I'm saving for the last my favorite "Sacrilege" the first time I listened to it I felt as I was listening to my own thoughts on the matter, if you read thi blog you now how I feel about governments and the lies they feed us to keep us on check, if not please go and read previous entries. I could debate about this for years but it looks that it has started snowing and we are at sea level so it's a small miracle, so I really think it would be nice finishing this entry and go outside.
It really is a great album, I think one of the bests they've made. I use to love them when they were more a punk band, but they've grown into it (and so do I), in now I'm enamored of their music but mostly of theyr lyrics. I think that by making an album like this they show the world that what they really care about is expressing themselves and doing what they love. That my friends is my idea of art, not doing what it's supposed to sell disc or books or paintings. I'm so tired of the Dan Browns of the world and the Madonnas (who just reinvent themselves to please the trends of the moment). Please let the world be more artistic just by being yourselves, don't be afraid to say what you think even if you're shunned after for it. It's not about being different or modern or having tatoos, it's about having the courage to think for yourself, and forget for a moment what the media is constantly bombarding you with. Decide, act.
I'm off to see the snow. Have a nice day and don't forget "We never can truly know who we are".
I'm happy to see you posting again.
And now, i'm going to google AFI..
Shut up! You already know who they are! Like you don't listen to me ranting non stop about the so famous Milan show. Start making your suitcase because we are definitely doing that show. And cross your fingers because they might come closer.
And don't forget Pear Jam , I'm almost sure that they will come to Spain (De ilusión tambéen se vive, que no se como se dice en inglés)
It's funny when you start with a "shut up", seems like the picture is really talking :)
Of illusion we live too (rurú)
BUT (in mayusculs, because is important) Pearl Jam will be this year in BBK Festival, don't know the day, because BBK is from 8 to 10th July, and in Pearl Jam website says concert is 6th..
That just made my day! Which was really boring, so as you can see we have tourist guide for both Mordor and Bilbao, which one do you think will be more dangerous???!!!
Bilbao, of course. In Mordor we go with an Uruk-Hai, that is the "jet set" of the place..
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