You may think that the title of this post is quite generic, I'm going to educate you a little. You know that most of the titles of this blog are songs or are related to the songs themselves (it depends on the day). Beauty is a song from a Swedish Hardcore punk band named Refused, like most of the bands that I love they broke up , some of them died (I will never forgive Kurt Cobain) and some of them... I am digressing again.
Onto the topic again, french fashion magazine Elle launched this campaign against photoshop and did this amazing photo shoot of several celebritys without any make up. I got to say that I love this kind of initiatives because I truly believe that beauty is in the inside (i know it sounds clichéd). What makes a good actress is not the size of her clothes or the amount of makeup she's wearing; what makes a good model is the way she behaves in front of a camera.
What scares me to death is that this is only a passing thing, tomorrow you will see the same actress or top model after losing 10 kg (I'm sorry I'm european just commit to the international sistem once and for all) just to get this role or that show. Because we are hypocrites, we truly want to be like them so we spend inordinate amounts of money in beauty treatments, clothes and trinkets to look different from what we are because the truth is we are scared to be alone, and since very little women are taught that the beautiful princess will be saved by her knight in shining armor.
Sometimes we forget that it is more important to have a nice smile than a nice purse, we are unable to see that the girl who's wearing a bigger size than you is also a human being that has the same fears and hopes than you. We can't seem to reconcile ourselves with the fact that having bigger breast is not going to solve all our problems. We assume that being beautiful makes us better than the rest.
We are mistaken, the beauty is in the eyes of the beholder (another cliché) it's in the person's acts. Be kind, be honest, be respectful with all living beings.
I'm not deluding myself, I'm the first that tries to look beautiful and I spent my half an hour every morning applying my make up and straightening my hair, I'm the one who loves going shopping. But I'm also the one who has fallen in love countless times and ignored the sex, the weight, the height. I only want people who loves for who I really am so I want to love you for who you are, even if your fat.
I'm not making an apology to slackness, it really is important to be a clean and respectful person, it will not do to go out in the world with filthy clothes and without having showered for two days, but is it really necessary to spend 3 hours every morning in the gym if you aren't a sporstman? ( Ok, i know there are people who need to be very fit for their work). Most people are just obssessed with their image, guess what? When you dies it all fades away.
P.S.- I don't know if I have mentioned that English is not my first language (hell, it is not even my second language) so please excuse me if in the heat of the moment I misspell something. And thak you if you're reading this.
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