It feels like Friday, tomorrow I don't have to work. My week was pretty much crappy but since yesterday two nice things have happened. The first one you already know it, my Crash Love came yesterday by post, I cannot stop hearing it, sooooo in love with Beautiful Thieves. The second is I received a very nice flower bouquet from a dear friend I'm going to call from now on "Mr. Cute engineer" (since he indeed is cute and also an engineer).
Well If you thought I was done complaining because my week turn out to be quite nice you're painfully wrong, because when everything was going fine I watched CSI Miami's Monday episode.
First and foremost you have to know that I love crime and medical shows and that I download them every week because I don't have the patience to wait until they're premiered in Spain (several months later)
Secondly I always had this hate-love relationship with Horatio Caine and his crew, I can say that this is my less favourite CSI show.
Now I'm going to explain the reasons why I'm going to abandon them on the sunny beaches of Miami forever. The episode was titled Bolt Action and of course there was a murder, in this case a triple murder, three volleyball players are killed during a match in a fundraiser organized by what they call in the show a Cougar (you know, ladies who date younger men). Okay now I advise you, if you have not seen the episode BIG SPOILER coming. So the murderous bastard was the cougar's husband (traitorous son of a b******, that though he was f**** girls half his age he couldn't stand that his wife was doing the same). So what was the method of assasination that he used? You're probably wondering, here it comes I advise you to sit because it is such a shocker: Death by lightning. tadaaaaaaaaaa!!!!
He staged a complicated scenario with a golf club on a baywatch tower on the beach, then he buried an electrical wire in the sand and finally (but not least important) he sprinkled the sand in the court with some kind of copper oxyde (blue cristals). He then proceeded to go to his boat with a younger lady friend and waited until the bolt striked in a perfect blue sky . Suffice to say that "Mr. Playing with my Silhouette shades Caine" found the culprit of this crime.
I don´t know if you see the absurdity of the crime but I think that the screenwritters of CSI have lost their minds (maybe they have been replaced with Lost screenwritters).
But that is not all, because my friends, the exploited Calleigh-Delko arc is on again; now we broke up, now we're together. I cannot stand this anymore they're like adolescents on and off again it's starting to stink.
I have decide to quit watching the show, although my husband tells me that we have to give them another oportunity the truth is I have been giving them oportunities since the first season and now I'm just fed up with them; so bye Horatio, I'm not going to miss how you play with your glasses and always have the last word; you kind of get on my nerves, if you were a real character you would be bullied in work and called an insufferable know-it-all.
Note from Mrs Bitter: This are only mi personnal opinions on the show, I respect that you might not agree with me.
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