I was listening to the Talking Heads song in the car and I decided today I wanted to write about books.
One of my first memories (or at least the most cherished one) is of me learning to read, I was 4, and nobody at home could believe I was reading, they just tought I had memorized the book that my great-grandmother read me every night. So I went in search of the newspaper and started reading the headlines. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at me dumbfounded.
So I guess this makes me a bookworm (and a very proud one!). Since then I read every day. I guess what I love is the magic of imagining other lives, other places. I love all kinds of books, so I hate it when peoplo tend to categorize them. Why can't I read a book if they say to me that it is for young adults or children or whatever.
My first horror book was Stephen Kings' Salem's Lot, I can vividly recall being reading underneath the blankets ( a little cliched, I know) with a flashlight because I had to finish it (and being to afraid to sleep for 2 days).
I have tons of books, I pretty much read everything that picks my attention, chick lit, the classics (Jane Austen, the Brönte sisters, shakespeare, Yeats, etc...); horrosr books, thrillers, science-fiction, everything!
Every book tells a different story, in wich you are the protagonist. For a moment you can forget all your worries and just have a good time.
Reading stimulates your vocabulary and makes you more discerning, it urges you to think about the world that surrounds you.
So please, next time you go to a library just spend some time browsing the shelves and buy something, I can assure it would be the best money spend in your life.
Read, if you do that instead of watching reality shows, maybe just maybe, you won't fall in the web of mass media and you'll think for yourself instead of repeating what they want you to. Be independent, be free.
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