No song title today for this blog (unless some group that I don't know has a song titled random musings). But you can rest assured you're going to find a lot of randomness in here.
I'm going to try and explain what goes in my head this morning, since yesterday mi ipod (well, the one I have on my workplace) was on shuffle, so it kept regurgitating strange songs in the most inopportune moments. I think the peek of last week was when I was testing this old woman's eyes, suddenly I could hear very clear and very loud Pearl Jam's Spin The Black Circle, I swear the lady jumped from the seat an proceeded to look at me like I was an alien or a criminal (or maybe both). You see, since my work is kind of sanitary I have to look very mature and professional and confident, so they're used to see me in my uniform, with a perfect hairdo and some nice music in the background. It pains me to admit that I sucumb to the sistem every time I put music on the shop(I'm very ashamed to say that I even have Coldplay's discography in my ipod). I decided this morning to rebel, from now on I'm only playing the music that I love, and I don't mind if I shock the occasional octogenarian.
All of this is my roundabout way of saying that I hate that we still live in a society that likes to judge people by their appearance, the music they like, what they eat (it looks like being vegetarian/vegan is a crime of some sort) or who you associate with. Well, I'm done following the stupid rules of my archaic country. Tatoo parlor, here I come.
What's really depressing is that it took me 30 years to finally shake myself from my state of acceptance to this one of rebellion, I think I was to busy being thrown out of my mothers house and struggling to eat and to finish my studies and all.
I'm going to warn you, beware if you want to buy a pair of shades, glasses for reading or contact lenses if you come to Spain and you ever come into my shop be sure that you're going to hear some Heavy music.
To all of the bands that love to yell when they sing, thank you and keep on doing that nice job, to the ones that don't yell (or failed to do it in their last album, AFI you know I'm talking about you) I love you anyways, to music in general you make my day.
That's one of the many talents of music, it can make you revolt against the sistem!!!!!!
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