Friday, November 27, 2009
Family Tree
Today's a really sad day, I don't even have the courage to write today. Something in the news this morning took all my happiness, just like that, everything was sucked into a big black hole of despair.
You see, a child has died, a three year old baby girl. She was beaten an raped, she crashed three times and the fourth her heart just gave up. I think it's better this way, she doen't have to suffer anymore. Suffer a stepfather( her mother's boyfriend) that abused her and a mother whose willingness to believe her boyfrined and to discredit the doctors says a lot about her character. How can you say that the chid fell when there's evidence of anal and vaginal abuse? (I'm really sorry if I'm being crude but somethings just need to be said). And now what? The mother is not going to press charges and for the doctors it's going to be nearly impossible to prove that the father is the culprit, and anyways do you really think a three year old child belongs in the autopsy room?. Another innocent child has suffered at the hands of those who were supposed to protect her. Can't you see the drama here? Don't you feel like crying? Isn't this world horrible enough when you grow up that we feel the need to corrupt such innocence.
To make things even worse the next piece of news is just as disheartening as the first one.It looks as the Irish Catholic Church concealed with the approval of the Government the sexual abuse that their priests inflicted upon the childs in their diocese. This happened between 1975 and 2004. There are 46 priests charged. It seems to me that what the government did is just the famous "Don't ask, don't tell " policy.
Not even two seconds ago I discovered that a man form Atlanta has been charged with more than a hundred charges of sodomy and infantil abuse. It seems that this monster (I don't think we can call him a man) was a nurse and abused his patients while they were under the anesthesia. You can imagine the problem now to find the victims becuse they were unconcious.
I really don't like where this world is going, I was an abused child, I've suffered, I have cried tears of blood. I'm trying to forgive now because I think it makes you stronger. But one thing I'm sure of, I will never forget. And if it's in my hand to save even just one little child from living what I lived everything will be worth it.
Please, I beg you to not turn a blind eye on this. It's atrocius and we must be the ones to start the change. Just try and protect the innocent from the monsters, even if the monsters are they own parents. Don't be afraid to take action, it's better getting involved than repent later.
I leave you to your things now, for today is all I have to say. I'm mourning the death of innocence.
P.D.- The song today is from Megadeth.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Voice of God is Government
Nice song from Bad Religion for those of you who haven't heard it. Did I tell you already that I'm an atheist? No? Well, now you know it.
I want to apologise first and foremost because I'm going to chage the language of today's post. You see I have this friend (Mr. Cute Engineer, I'm sure you've heard of him before) that just yesterday was complainig that he couldn't comment on my blog because it was in English (though he reads it, funny no?), so today I'm going to make an exception and see if he comments when the blog is writen in Spanish, please bear with me just for today and I strongly encourage you to pick a dictionary and try and translate what I say.
Querido Rafa, llevo mucho tiempo dandole vueltas a una entrada sobre religion, se que es un tema muy polemico pero ahora con la reforma de la ley del aborto me siento mas obligada que nunca a hacerla.
En realidad, todos los que me conocen saben que mi vena atea no es algo pasajero, no entiendo como nadie puede creer en algo absolutamente intangible, es como si me diera ahora por decir que mi despertador me habla por las mañana y escribiera un libro sobre ello, quizas (con el suficiente marketing de por medio) en un futuro lejano se siguieran los preceptos de mi Despertador como una verdad absoluta e inmutable. Por lo pronto, si dijera que mi despertador me habla me internarian en un psiquiatrico (ahi va, se me habia olvidado que en este pais ya no hay ni psiquiatricos ni locos).
Hablare de la religion catolica (fijate que no lo pongo en mayusculas ni nada) que es la que, para mi desgracia, mas conozco.
Empecemos por lo que mas me gusta "Arrepientete de tus pecados y te seran perdonados". Vaya, que facil, yo voy por ahi matando gente, me arrepiento en el ultimo momento, me dan la extrema uncion esa y derechitos al cielo. Mola ¿No?.
Y que me dices de aquello de pon la otra mejilla; normal que haya mujeres maltratadas, si le enseñan eso desde pequeñitas encima pensaran que se merecen que les peguen y que denunciar al marido/novio es un atentando a la Biblia.
Y uno de los mas graciosos, ahora de repente el Diablo (este si que lo voy a poner en mayusculas que a mi personalmente me mola mas) ya no existe, bueno... Si tenemos en cuenta que toda la Biblia esta fundamentada en la interminable lucha entre el bien y el mal, si Dios encarna el bien ¿quien encarna ahora el mal?. Si ademas pensamos que el susodicho Lucifer (o como queramos llamarle) era un angel venido a menos... En fin, que me resulta un poco sospechoso. O te crees el cuento de hadas al completo o no te lo crees, no vale ir adaptandolo a nuestra conveniencia ¿no?. Que yo sepa Blancanieves sigue mordiendo la manzana.
Que me dices del telefono directo del Papa (que nombre mas gracioso) con Dios, se me antoja un poco como el de Gila. Mi Capitan que nos hemos quedado sin balas.
De lo de la concepcion vriginal de Jesucristo no voy a hablar porque la verdad es que el pobre Jose me da mucha pena, menos mal que siendo carpintero tendria herraminetas para rebajarse un poco los cuernecillos.
Dejando las gracias a un lado es muy triste que en pleno siglo XXI la gente siga sosteniendo unas creencias que a ojos vista estan desfasadas (¡Mira! como la Constitucion Española) y que enciman las utilicen para fundamentar comportamientos en muchos casos ofensivos con el projimo (que mira tu por donde va en contra de las enseñanzas de la Biblia).
Señores, si quieren ustedes que el aborto no sea libre, porque quitar una vida es un pecado universal , enseñenles a sus hijas a usar preservativos . Uff casi lo olvido, que eso tambien va en contra ed Dios, pero ¿me puede alguien señalar que pasaje de la Biblia hace referencia al tema? En fin, a mi tampoco me parece muy bien que las menores de edad puedan abortar sin el consentimiento de sus padres (corremos el riesgo de convertirlo en un metodo anticonceptivo) pero me parece peor que se obligue a una niña a tener un hijo que no desea (lo que convertira al niño en un desgraciado gran parte de su infancia). No voy a exponer el tema de las violacones porque creo que la mayoria de la gente (catolicos, budistas, arabes y pastafaristas) estaran de acuerdo conmigo en que obligar a alguien a tener la progenie de un desaprensivo asi es cuando menos cuestionable.
En este pais lo que hace falta es mas educacion, tal vez asi acabemos con los maltratos (porque si a mi un tio me pone la mano encima, cuando me levante del suelo tengo una carrera y un medio de alimentacion independiente del muy barbaro), los embarazos no deseados (porque se como se pone un condon y mi madre me ha acompañado al ginecologo para que me de algun metodo anticonceptivo para asegurame de no aumentar la poblacion del planeta) e incluso tal vez se acabe la falta de solidaridad que existe en este planeta. Nos gusta mucho quejarnos de los fundametalistas arabes pero me gustaria recordarles a muchos que estudien historia y que echen un vistazo a las Cruzadas, hace no mucho nuestra querida Iglesia era igual de barbara (y si no que se lo digan a esos moriscos expulsados a los que ahora les han reconocido la "njusticia").
Bueno, lamento mucho si he ofendido a alguien con mis creencias, o mejor dicho con mi falta de ellas, se que corro el riesgo de morir e ir al infierno y eso. Seguro que no hace mucho me hubieran quemado por hereje (y eso que no soy pelirroja). Pero este es mi blog y no me da la gana callarme las cosas que pienso. ¡Ala! He dicho.
P.D.- Que conste que no pongo acentos porque mi PC se ha declarado en huelga de acentuaci´´on (como podeis comprobar en esta palabra) y el ingeniero no esta aqui para arreglarmelo
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Girl you've got no faith in medicine
Instead of starting with my ranting I'm going to start with one of my favorites quotes from one of the best philosophers (at least in my humble opinion) François Marie Arouet aka Voltaire: “Doctors are men who prescribe medicines of which they know little, to cure diseases of which they know less, in human beings of whom they know nothing”.
I was watching House yesterday, mid episode I realized that the show was getting predictable. The structure of every episode goes like this:
-Patient with a strange illnes arrives at House's service, mostly of the time House is forced to take the patient by Dr. Cuddy (or he take is the patient because some dark secret agenda, or just to spite someone).
-House's minions do a preliminar diagnostic. He disagrees but lets them treat the patient (maybe because he has no f**** idea what's wrong).
-The patient start to gets better, so while the doctors are in the room with him congratulating themselves for a job well done the patient starts to crash (this always happen, always).
-The doctors can't figure out what's wrong with the patient until House has some kind of epiphany, this happens 90% of the time while he's debating one of his stupid schemes with Dr. Wilson.
-He goes to the patient's room and in a very unpolite way he tells him, that he's a liar and that he's going to get better.
-Here you can find a slight deviation when in the first epiphany he really doesn't figure out what's wrong so he has a second one.
The writers rarely stray from this script, the show lacks more personal interrelations between the doctors, and when there's something interesting happenig not related to the brilliant and inteligent (and ass doctor) House they cut it off, heck they even cut it off when it's House related (this Huddy thing it's starting to get really old). So after six seasons everything is the same, last season it already happened to me to think that it was the last season that I watched that show but then like clockwork you have the excellent and shocking finale so you just can't avoid watching the upcoming season to see how it resolves, then 2 or 3 nice episodes and then mediocrity again.
At first it was fun seeing a doctor so irreverent and without any prejudice against saying what he was thinking, now it just seem to me that House is just a poor old man who, because of his own idiocy (I don't think we can call brilliant a man whose sole purpose in life is making his peers miserable), is alone and is bound to die alone. I'm beggining to hate show characters that are that rude, it gives people leverage to say what they want without thinking about the consequences. I defend sincerity but sometimes you just got to now when to shut your mouth.
And remember, it's never Lupus.
P.S.- Today's title song was provided by the faboulous The White Stripes
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
There Goes My Life
I'm not really into country music but last time I was in the States I listened to this song on the radio and yesterday it just popped into my mind. The song is from Kenny Chesney if you want to check it out, I must repeat that I don't really like it (that's more my husband thing) though the lyrics are related to the topic of today's entry so, here we go...
Yesterday I arrived late and somewhat exhausted at home after having spend all day at the shop (like 10 hours, and it seems today is going to be just the same). I went to my usual bussiness of putting my pj's and removing my makeup, then went into the kitchen and started fixing some supper for me and my husband. So I was setting the table when I decided to put some music on the tv, I switched channels till I got to the MTV channels (I have more than one since we have cable). I was passing trough spanish MTV when I saw this "thing" (maybe a better word would be abomination) called "Sixteen And Pregnant", so as you can guess it's a reality show and I think the title it's quite self-explanatory. Anyways I'm going to try and resume what this thing goes about just incase that you're having a slow morning and the neurons on your brain are incapable of working (maybe you're coffeine deprived or something). They're a bunch of teenage girsl, pregnat in the same house, in case you need more details just chek this page.
I think I may have watched like 2 minutes of the show, mainly because I was dumbfounded by the sight, and in this two minutes some girl was talking about how she told her parents that she was pregnant. In my haste to change the channel I bumped into the sofa I knocked over some glass and I even tripped over one of my dogs (who tends to be always on the middle).
I'd love to know who is the mastermind behind MTV's reality shows, they've done stupid shows before (From G's to gent, a double shot at love, Scream Queens...) but you have to be retarded to do a show about pregnat teenagers, now they all want to go to the show to gain some popularity and then parade in other tv shows. How in the hell did you get the idea to make publicity of a serious matter like teenage pregnancy. I think is sick and it's a good reminder of what this world is becoming.
Please don't let this be a trend and please use the money to teach in the schools sexual education instead of making abhorrent tv shows.
And for the record, I think that parents should be aware that their children are sexually active at early ages (just remember how you were at 16) and they should support educational politics about sex instead of critize them. They should encourage their childrem to talk about anything instead of shying away when the subject is brought. Sex is a nice thing if done correctly, if not the consequences could be catastrofic (i'm not only talking pregancies here).
My mother was not a good one, she never raised me and she choosed a husband over her own daughter, but she was always there when these questions needed answering and she saw me to a gynecologist when she couldn't answer some of them, I was only sixteen and she didn't freak out or anything. I wish more mums were like mine in these things.
Deal with it please, and don't make stupid shows.
Oh, this is unrelated to the post but, go and check the band "Them Crooked Vultures" they sound really nice.
Friday, November 20, 2009
I'm going with Blink 182 today, I think pretty much all the planet knows them so there's no need for any explanation, if you haven't heard that song or don't know the band I strongly recommend you to check them out.
I remember when voyeurism was a taboo. Maybe you've noticed the past tense; I've been noticing that there's a tendency in our society to expose ourselves, which leads us to the need of watching what others are doing, hence the voyeurism thing.
I'm quite sure it started with the invention of television but it's gotten worse since the increase of reality shows and the Internet, then you have the social networking like Facebook, Twitter, Friendster, etc. Neither will I condemn nor condone this kind of behaviour, it would be hypocritical of me since, as you already now, I have a blog and I'm pretty much hooked all day on twitter. What bothers me is the fact that some people have a really sick and wrong approach to this new way of communication. I guess I'll have to explain myself a little better if I want you to understand me.
Some people can be quite obssessive in their adorations , there are many examples to that (do you remember the Monica Seles incident) and now everyone can have access to almost every celebrity in the world, I know it's no a physic access but it's an access nonetheless. Maybe, if you're sick enough and you follow "Mr. X's" twitter, and youtube and myspace and blog page you're bound to think that you now a lot of their lives, you can identify yourself with him, you can even get obssessed with him because the amount of information is far bigger that the one you would get in any of the "traditional" ways, such as magazines or tv. It can happen that one of this sick individuals met their "Mr. X" at a movie premiere or at a concert or in a restaurant, and their going to feel as if they own him, because they now what they do in every days life, like where they get cofee or where they go to have their nails done. I think every one, assuming they're disturbed enough, is a potential stalker.
So if you're reading this and you're obssessed with some rock star or movie star or the girl who lives in front of your house, rememeber that you don't know a thing about who they really are. Knowing where they go to buy groceries doesn't give you the right to ask in the middle of the store for a picture of them. It would be great if we were able to respect the boundaries and the intimacy of everyone (celebrities included). We have to try to remember that when they're having their hair cut their not working so we have to let them alone.
I don't want this to be an apology for the defence of the celebrities (though I think it would be a good name for a non-profit organization), I just want you to remember that peeping is not a nice thing to do. Next time you feel elated because you're going to read some gossip about a "Mr. X" remember that it's comparable with a perv looking through your window to see your spouse or child getting ready for a shower. It's just plain sick.
If you love a movie star pay to see their movies instead of downloading them, if you think you are going to die every time you hear a song from your favorite band just go to their concerts, if you love a writer buy his/her books. But please, let them live alone.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
New Moon
There are only two possibilities, either you know what I'm going to talk about, or you live in a bunker under some mountain in the end of the world waiting for the catastrofic event that's going to end our civilization(I guess 2012 affected me a little, that and a story Mr. Cute Engineer told me about a guy who lives in our town).
Yesterday we went to the movies to see New Moon, which for some strange reason premiered first in Spain than in the rest of the world (I think Summit said some nonsense about Spanish fans being the best or something like that).
The first thing I want to admit is that I loved the books, which gets me some weird faces, people can't understand how it's possible that after reading things like Shakespeare or Poe I can like those books. In my defense I have to admit that I am a Romantic and sometimes it feels good to do some light reading (there's just so much Sartre you can read before your heads threatens to explode). Anyway, I liked the first movie, not because of the cast (I hated the tandem Pattinson-Stewart) but because of the photography, and it was exciting enough to find another series to follow when Harry Potter was so close to ending (because my friends I'm a collector, I promise to elaborate about that on another post).
I didn't have great expectations about this one mainly because of the director; I'm never going to forgive Chris Weitz for messing up "The Golden Compass". I really wasn't disappointed, the movie was mediocre at best. The vampires were whiter than ever, the actors made the lines sound even cheesier than the book and the worse part were the ohhhhs and ahhhhs from the audience , mainly composed by ladies around the twenties and thirties (since the movie started at 22:45 pm).
Special mention for the good work for the composer of the soundtrack, nice melodies that gave emotion when the interpretation of the actors failed and to the director of photography too.
I want to mention the transformation of Taylor Lautner, not only phisically but also professionaly, one of the best actors of the movie.
And finally, but not least important I want to say that the best actor of the whole thing was Michael Sheen in his short role as Aro (one of the Vulturis), I swear the more I see of him the more I like him.
In short, the film wasn't worth any Oscar's but at least it was entertaining (though my husband would probably tell you that it needed more action and gore). You really need to be a fan of the Twilight series to enjoy it. And the movie theater was full to the brim on a Wednesday night so I guess congratulations are in order to Summit because they have produced another blockbuster that's going to fill their pockets.
And now I'm going to retreat to dark corner to re-read The Vampire by Polidori because after yesterdays excess of young and pretty vampires I need to go back to the more gothic legends.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Be careful when reading this entry, polemic subject on the way!
I was trying really hard to come up with a title for this entry but finally I succumbed to the obvious. The first thing I wan't to clarify is that I'm not a feminist, so if you are, please don't be offended by what I'm going to say, I'm just going to explain my point of view and no disrespect is intended. Then I want to explain the situation in my country, we are what's called a Democratic Monarchy, wich means we have a king and then a President. So in theory the King has all the military and legislative powers he just let's the elected Presidents and his Secretarys do the job. That's, very roughly, how the country is governed. Last election we re-elected Mr. Zapatero, and since my country has a reputation for being quite sexist he decided that it would be a good idea to establish what we call Ministerio de Igualdad (or Equal Opportunities Department). I think the idea is not a good one, I think the idea would be good if they did equal opportunities policy, but the only thing they're doing is discrimating men in. No, I'm not wrong, it's a fact that women have been discriminated through ages, now what we are doing is just the contrary. It really saddens me to see a woman being elected for a job purely because she is a woman and the company gets fiscal advantages because of that.
I'm a woman and I want to be recognized because of who I am and not because of the politics that my country is doing at the moment.
I know, I know you don't agree with me, I know the arguments you're going to give me. But how can you stand and see men being discriminated and be okay with it when you claim to have been discriminated for centuries.
My point is, since I tend to digress, discrimination is a bad thing wether it's directed against men, women, children, older people, animals or wathever. So it is positive discrimination, just by putting the word positive in front doesn't make the word magicallly nice.
Women are beaten but so are men, women get raped but so do men, men can be agressive but so can be women. We are human beings and even if you don't want to admit it, we have a penchant for cruelty and violence (just study a little history and you'll see), and it doesn't have to be sex related, ther are tons of women who behaved like monsters.
I don't want to be defended by my government against sexism, I want to be teached how to defend myself, I want poverty and analfabetism erased form the globe so women and men can know what rights they have, and maybe, just maybe they can know that they don't have to suffer being discriminated, because we are all the same, it doesn't matter the color of your skin, your sex, your religion, etc... I feel manipulated by governments that do this kind of equalitarian policy because they treat all the population like stupid sheeps. Spend you're money on better things.
I'm an intelligent and educated woman I wouldn't stand a husband who manhandled me, and that is not because of your policy but because of my education.
The feminist movement is getting obsolete,it was ok when the sufragette movement (aka sufragist) were trying to get the right to vote but now the only thing they do is encourage a vindictive movement against men, and say things like "Paint it black form the Rolling Stones is a sexist song"(I assure you I've found this aseveration on the internet) and stuff like that with no base at all.
In the world there's no right or wrong, and things are mostly a nice shade of grey. I'm really sorry if you felt discriminated in any way because some word or action,please grow up and remember that feeling discriminated is a feeling that you get and that has maybe to do with your self-esteem.
I'm a woman, I have a career and I never ever felt discriminated by anyone, and what's more important I'll never be. Because I'm strong and capable and I know what I deserve. And I love galant men who open doors for you, this is not discrimating is polite.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Yo Ho Ho (and a Bottle of Rum)
I really can't make up my mind around the fact that they still are pirates in the world. Ok, I want to make clear that you're not imagining Jack Sparrow, becuase that's not what I mean when I refer to a pirate.
There's this Spanish tuna boat that has been made hostage like a month ago in Somalian waters, I really don't know what are the demands of the pirates except for having two of their people (who are imprisoned in Spain) back, and of course the demand of money(modern Satan). What I really now is that they're threatening to kill the hostages. It seem that the Spanish government is in negotiations with said pirates but thy only thing that they have achieved so far is the liberation of three of the Spanish sailors. It seems that it is unnaceptable to return the two Somalians to their people and give them the money they want in exchange for our people (it seems that they don not want to negotiate with terrorist,Ouch! sorry I meant pirates).
Meanwhile the wives and mothers and sons of the sailors are home fearing that the only thing they're going to have when this ends is a nice coffin and the condolences of the President and the King (I'm ashamed to say that I live in a monarchy).
Today in the news they just informed of the latest events and then went on with the EMA's (Europe Music Awards) that took place yesterday night in Berlin (20 Years without the wall), because you see, Beyonce is far more important that the destiny of our people, DUH!
I'm thinking maybe we could borrow the Navy Seals now that our President is friends with Obama, but I'm afraid it's going to be the " we don't negotiate with terrorist" once again. Same old, same old. It's frustrating knowing that the only thing I can do is sit at home and pray for their liberation, since I'm an atheist that leaves me with nothing else to do.
Can somebody, please tell me where's justice in this!
Have a nice weekend guys!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Less than five days ago I was on my seat in an aeroplane, waiting for the plane to take off and bring me home. I was so bored that I started reading the emergency instructions. It was nice that for once they were sticked in the seat before you so you didn't have to get the filthy and worn out flier.
Well as I was saying I was studying with intense attention the instructions when I realized that in case of an emergency I was just going to freak out and forget everything that I had read. So I don't see the point really in those instructions because in the end I'm so sure the flight attendants (is it that what they're called nowadays? because I would hate to be politically incorrect) would have to help almost 90% of the plane to get their air masks working.
That got me thinking the reason that airlines lose so much time in those security demonstrations on the plane; ok, don't misunderstand me I guess they're helpful, but I also think that human nature tends to take over in case of emergency and makes it really difficult to keep a clear mind and just follow the instructions (we aren't even able to following the instructions at the zoo so...).
Couldn't it be (here goes the big conspiration) that they just do it to avoid lawsuits and such. How lame it is that most of the things we do on a safety level are destined to avoid lawsuits. Next time you're in the train station or waiting for the subway look around and read the safety signs and remember this, they don't give a shit about you're safety, they are just trying to avoid being sued.
What I don't understand is how we have arrive to the point where I do something wrong, get hurt and then sue someone. We learn to exploit the system and to cheat inssurance companies and that's what we show to our childrens, they see that we condone this behavior and when they grow up they're going to be even worse.
You know, in case of emergency do whatever you want and then when hurt sue everyone.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Enjoy The Silence
I'm so tired it's not even funny, I just keep falling asleep in the strangest places which for me is a very unusual thing. This morning, as it is my habit, I was watching news while trying to enjoy my soy milk (more like trying not to fall asleep in my glass), when I realized that maybe the world would be better if all politicians just lost their voices mysteriously; for those who are fans of Joss Whedon you should be familiar with the concept, if not go check Hush (Buffy The Vampire Slayer, season 4th). The only difference between my concept and his is that I want them to be silent before saying any stupid thing.
You see, it seems my country is full of corrupt politicians (or leeches as I love to call them), what really kills me is that they have the nerve to try to defend themselves. Liars and thieves, that is what they are. And I'm sure it's the same in your countries, that's a really sad thought. It could be even worse on African countries, but that is something I'm not going to talk about 'cause you know, governments worlwide don't want to recognize problems in thirld world countries (insert big sarcasm in here).
They keep on promising big changes and a better world but the only thing they do is getting their pockets full (are the Bush family a good example for that?), it doesn't matter what ideology are they, or religion, or social background, you give them power and they loose their sucking little heads. Meanwhile I'm here trying to fend for myself, and pay my bills and be a productive memeber of society (another concept I don't fully understand) as I watch these mad dogmatics govern our entire race (okay, I stole that verse, thank you Mr. Marchand, you're a big inspiration for this blog).
So, even if it was just for today, I woul like them to shut up, and enjoy the silence, because I think some things are better left unsaid.
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