Be careful when reading this entry, polemic subject on the way!
I was trying really hard to come up with a title for this entry but finally I succumbed to the obvious. The first thing I wan't to clarify is that I'm not a feminist, so if you are, please don't be offended by what I'm going to say, I'm just going to explain my point of view and no disrespect is intended. Then I want to explain the situation in my country, we are what's called a Democratic Monarchy, wich means we have a king and then a President. So in theory the King has all the military and legislative powers he just let's the elected Presidents and his Secretarys do the job. That's, very roughly, how the country is governed. Last election we re-elected Mr. Zapatero, and since my country has a reputation for being quite sexist he decided that it would be a good idea to establish what we call Ministerio de Igualdad (or Equal Opportunities Department). I think the idea is not a good one, I think the idea would be good if they did equal opportunities policy, but the only thing they're doing is discrimating men in. No, I'm not wrong, it's a fact that women have been discriminated through ages, now what we are doing is just the contrary. It really saddens me to see a woman being elected for a job purely because she is a woman and the company gets fiscal advantages because of that.
I'm a woman and I want to be recognized because of who I am and not because of the politics that my country is doing at the moment.
I know, I know you don't agree with me, I know the arguments you're going to give me. But how can you stand and see men being discriminated and be okay with it when you claim to have been discriminated for centuries.
My point is, since I tend to digress, discrimination is a bad thing wether it's directed against men, women, children, older people, animals or wathever. So it is positive discrimination, just by putting the word positive in front doesn't make the word magicallly nice.
Women are beaten but so are men, women get raped but so do men, men can be agressive but so can be women. We are human beings and even if you don't want to admit it, we have a penchant for cruelty and violence (just study a little history and you'll see), and it doesn't have to be sex related, ther are tons of women who behaved like monsters.
I don't want to be defended by my government against sexism, I want to be teached how to defend myself, I want poverty and analfabetism erased form the globe so women and men can know what rights they have, and maybe, just maybe they can know that they don't have to suffer being discriminated, because we are all the same, it doesn't matter the color of your skin, your sex, your religion, etc... I feel manipulated by governments that do this kind of equalitarian policy because they treat all the population like stupid sheeps. Spend you're money on better things.
I'm an intelligent and educated woman I wouldn't stand a husband who manhandled me, and that is not because of your policy but because of my education.
The feminist movement is getting obsolete,it was ok when the sufragette movement (aka sufragist) were trying to get the right to vote but now the only thing they do is encourage a vindictive movement against men, and say things like "Paint it black form the Rolling Stones is a sexist song"(I assure you I've found this aseveration on the internet) and stuff like that with no base at all.
In the world there's no right or wrong, and things are mostly a nice shade of grey. I'm really sorry if you felt discriminated in any way because some word or action,please grow up and remember that feeling discriminated is a feeling that you get and that has maybe to do with your self-esteem.
I'm a woman, I have a career and I never ever felt discriminated by anyone, and what's more important I'll never be. Because I'm strong and capable and I know what I deserve. And I love galant men who open doors for you, this is not discrimating is polite.
I agree that it sucks to label bunches of people into groups and then claim to be fighting for them, when really you are fighting for something more general (such as the right to life, or the right to vote, or the right to living without abuse, or the right to freedom of thought, or freedom of movement...etc) which is fundamentally what feminists fight for. Ironically, by calling themselves, "feminists" other minorities are excluded from these rights, (like children, animals and other racial minorities) which contradicts the entire purpose of equality in the first place.
We can all fight for equality, but really pure equality is impracticable. Pure equality is communism and the soviet other than in far-away, Eutopia-land, the Soviet and China have proven that humans aren't capable of living equal to one another. I agree with your mindset of if you want it, earn it. That's probably the most satisfying way to live. Nobody want to be given something out of sympathy.
I just have to stress how much I missed having your comments on this blog. I agree with you that pure equallity is utopic, but I think that the problem is that we sometimes forget that people are different (that makes me insanely happy) hence the impracticability of equality.
Thanks Mrs Bitter. It was very difficult for me to stay away.
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