Less than five days ago I was on my seat in an aeroplane, waiting for the plane to take off and bring me home. I was so bored that I started reading the emergency instructions. It was nice that for once they were sticked in the seat before you so you didn't have to get the filthy and worn out flier.
Well as I was saying I was studying with intense attention the instructions when I realized that in case of an emergency I was just going to freak out and forget everything that I had read. So I don't see the point really in those instructions because in the end I'm so sure the flight attendants (is it that what they're called nowadays? because I would hate to be politically incorrect) would have to help almost 90% of the plane to get their air masks working.
That got me thinking the reason that airlines lose so much time in those security demonstrations on the plane; ok, don't misunderstand me I guess they're helpful, but I also think that human nature tends to take over in case of emergency and makes it really difficult to keep a clear mind and just follow the instructions (we aren't even able to following the instructions at the zoo so...).
Couldn't it be (here goes the big conspiration) that they just do it to avoid lawsuits and such. How lame it is that most of the things we do on a safety level are destined to avoid lawsuits. Next time you're in the train station or waiting for the subway look around and read the safety signs and remember this, they don't give a shit about you're safety, they are just trying to avoid being sued.
What I don't understand is how we have arrive to the point where I do something wrong, get hurt and then sue someone. We learn to exploit the system and to cheat inssurance companies and that's what we show to our childrens, they see that we condone this behavior and when they grow up they're going to be even worse.
You know, in case of emergency do whatever you want and then when hurt sue everyone.
It's interesting because suing is not such a big thing here in Australia, because the costs, formalities and time-consumption associated with litigation are a major deterrance for us "non-rich" people. It's funny, because the problems that you mention here are the opposite of the problems we're facing in Victoria.
Where I live, our courts are critised for not being accessable to the public. There's not enough legal aid and at the moment, it is generally only the "rich" people are the ones who pursue their rights through litigation. The government here is trying to make legal aid more available to make defending ones rights easier.
The scenario that you mention is the opposite: one where people are extremely protective of their rights, that they're willing to trample on everyone to keep them.
It looks like there is no right or wrong here. I guess it's all about finding a balance between the two. That's the problem with the fundamental concept of civil action. There's always and winner and a loser, there's no in-between (like compromise) people get pitted against each other, and somebody's always worse off in the end.
So good to see you're back!! Hope everything went okay! I can see how with things like rights the line is quite blurred. What it ticks me off is, how in almost every part, the rights of the innocents are stamped on by people without anyt scruples. I can't understand the need to destroy one another. I think it makes us a weak civilization.
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