I'm not really into country music but last time I was in the States I listened to this song on the radio and yesterday it just popped into my mind. The song is from Kenny Chesney if you want to check it out, I must repeat that I don't really like it (that's more my husband thing) though the lyrics are related to the topic of today's entry so, here we go...
Yesterday I arrived late and somewhat exhausted at home after having spend all day at the shop (like 10 hours, and it seems today is going to be just the same). I went to my usual bussiness of putting my pj's and removing my makeup, then went into the kitchen and started fixing some supper for me and my husband. So I was setting the table when I decided to put some music on the tv, I switched channels till I got to the MTV channels (I have more than one since we have cable). I was passing trough spanish MTV when I saw this "thing" (maybe a better word would be abomination) called "Sixteen And Pregnant", so as you can guess it's a reality show and I think the title it's quite self-explanatory. Anyways I'm going to try and resume what this thing goes about just incase that you're having a slow morning and the neurons on your brain are incapable of working (maybe you're coffeine deprived or something). They're a bunch of teenage girsl, pregnat in the same house, in case you need more details just chek this page.
I think I may have watched like 2 minutes of the show, mainly because I was dumbfounded by the sight, and in this two minutes some girl was talking about how she told her parents that she was pregnant. In my haste to change the channel I bumped into the sofa I knocked over some glass and I even tripped over one of my dogs (who tends to be always on the middle).
I'd love to know who is the mastermind behind MTV's reality shows, they've done stupid shows before (From G's to gent, a double shot at love, Scream Queens...) but you have to be retarded to do a show about pregnat teenagers, now they all want to go to the show to gain some popularity and then parade in other tv shows. How in the hell did you get the idea to make publicity of a serious matter like teenage pregnancy. I think is sick and it's a good reminder of what this world is becoming.
Please don't let this be a trend and please use the money to teach in the schools sexual education instead of making abhorrent tv shows.
And for the record, I think that parents should be aware that their children are sexually active at early ages (just remember how you were at 16) and they should support educational politics about sex instead of critize them. They should encourage their childrem to talk about anything instead of shying away when the subject is brought. Sex is a nice thing if done correctly, if not the consequences could be catastrofic (i'm not only talking pregancies here).
My mother was not a good one, she never raised me and she choosed a husband over her own daughter, but she was always there when these questions needed answering and she saw me to a gynecologist when she couldn't answer some of them, I was only sixteen and she didn't freak out or anything. I wish more mums were like mine in these things.
Deal with it please, and don't make stupid shows.
Oh, this is unrelated to the post but, go and check the band "Them Crooked Vultures" they sound really nice.
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