I really can't make up my mind around the fact that they still are pirates in the world. Ok, I want to make clear that you're not imagining Jack Sparrow, becuase that's not what I mean when I refer to a pirate.
There's this Spanish tuna boat that has been made hostage like a month ago in Somalian waters, I really don't know what are the demands of the pirates except for having two of their people (who are imprisoned in Spain) back, and of course the demand of money(modern Satan). What I really now is that they're threatening to kill the hostages. It seem that the Spanish government is in negotiations with said pirates but thy only thing that they have achieved so far is the liberation of three of the Spanish sailors. It seems that it is unnaceptable to return the two Somalians to their people and give them the money they want in exchange for our people (it seems that they don not want to negotiate with terrorist,Ouch! sorry I meant pirates).
Meanwhile the wives and mothers and sons of the sailors are home fearing that the only thing they're going to have when this ends is a nice coffin and the condolences of the President and the King (I'm ashamed to say that I live in a monarchy).
Today in the news they just informed of the latest events and then went on with the EMA's (Europe Music Awards) that took place yesterday night in Berlin (20 Years without the wall), because you see, Beyonce is far more important that the destiny of our people, DUH!
I'm thinking maybe we could borrow the Navy Seals now that our President is friends with Obama, but I'm afraid it's going to be the " we don't negotiate with terrorist" once again. Same old, same old. It's frustrating knowing that the only thing I can do is sit at home and pray for their liberation, since I'm an atheist that leaves me with nothing else to do.
Can somebody, please tell me where's justice in this!
Have a nice weekend guys!
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